Sustainable growth
Our team supports you in mastering complex strategic challenges and in developing solutions tailored to your company and your future plans. At the beginning of the cooperation there is a joint decision on what to focus on in order to maintain a strong position in the market, to invest better than the competition and to generate long-term growth.
Strategies and decisions for a sustainable increase in company value:
We are your partner for sustainable growth. Whether under our own steam, through strategic partnerships or through acquisitions and/or sales. Trust in our many years of experience and our broad (insider) network.
Future with a plan
Clear strategies for a leading role in the market of the future.
Company and strategy audits
Strategic business planning (business line and corporate level)
Market analysis / benchmark studies
Business model analysis, derivation of action field scenarios
Business concept creation and business plans development
Partner alliance concepts, models and privatization concepts
Grow inorganically
We support companies as experienced experts in identifying suitable candidates for acquisitions.
Mergers and acquisition as well as turnkey takeovers
Identification, selection and evaluation of targets and takeover opportunities (buy side)
Contacting of possible target companies
Company valuations
Transaction structuring (share and asset deal, corporate law solutions)
Transaction support (LoI, term sheet, due diligence, review of the data room, signing and closing)
Post merger integration
Secure succession and value
Convince the right successor at a reasonable price
Succession regulations and handover strategies
Partial sales and - complete company sales
Preparation of the investment documentation (fact sheet & information memorandum)
Identification, selection, addressing and evaluation of interested parties (sell side)
Company valuation
Transaction structuring (share and asset deal, corporate law solutions)
Transaction support (LoI, term sheet, due diligence, review of the data room, signing and closing)
Secure the top position together
Building powerful partnerships, shaping the future together.
Development of strategic partnerships and investments
National and international market and sales development
Identification and elaboration of synergy potentials
Raise growth capital
The right financing for the desired growth.
Creation and further development of the equity story
Deal design and pitch deck presentation
Creation and further development of the business plan
Approaching of the capital market (family offices, VCs, PEs, financial investors, strategic investors)
Creation and further development of cap table scenarios
Invest in values
Investing in real assets for more than a financial value creation.
We advise institutional partners on the purchase and sale of real estate objects in Europe and Asia
Support in portfolio management (portfolio investment sales and acquisitions)
Identification and approach of institutional investors and family offices
Debt advisory (advice on the financing structure, independent brokerage of loans)
Support for international real estate investments
Venturise Case Studies
On behalf of our clients, we work on both the purchase (buy-side) and the sale (sell-side) side.
We bring the experience and relationships from the large number of different projects in various industries into the successful design of new growth initiatives.
The following overview shows selected project examples from our past:
Feinkostunternehmen, DE
Aufbau einer Vertriebs- und Produktionspartnerschaft.
Transaktionsvolumen: 7 Mio. EUR
Lebensmittelindustrie, Partnerschaft
Gewürzfabrik, DE
Komplettverkauf eines Gewürzunternehmens.
Transaktionsvolumen: 2 Mio. EUR
Lebensmittelindustrie, Verkauf
Metallspezialverarbeiter, ROU
Asset-Deal, Teilverkauf eines Spezialverarbeiters.
Transaktionsvolumen: 18 Mio. EUR
Metallindustrie, Teilverkauf (Asset)
Phytopharmaka, CH
Einwerbung von Wachstumskapital.
Transaktionsvolumen: 5 Mio. CHF
Health, Wachstumsfinanzierung
ESG-Fonds, SGP
Target-Akquise (DACH) für einen asiatischen ESG-Fonds.
Transaktionsvolumen: 25 Mio. EUR
ESG, Buy-Side
Automobilzulieferer, DE
Verkauf an ausländische Industrieholding.
Transaktionsvolumen: 15 Mio. EUR
Automobilzulieferindustrie, Verkauf
Holzverarbeiter, DACH
Aufbau einer strategischen Produktions- und Vertriebspartnerschaft.
Umsatzvolumen: 30 Mio. EUR
Holzindustrie, Joint Venture
Proptech, DE
Gewinnung von Wachstumskapital und Aufbau Produktionspartnerschaft.
Transaktionsvolumen: 40 Mio. EUR
Bauindustrie, Wachstumskapital
IT-Service-Provider, ROU
Teilverkauf eines IT- und Softwareindividualentwicklers.
Transaktionsvolumen: 10 Mio. EUR
IT, Teilverkauf
Bio-Ölmühle, AT
Verkauf einer Premium-Ölmühle in der Steiermark.
Tranaktionsvolumen: 3 Mio. EUR
Lebensmittelindustrie, Verkauf
Metallgießerei, DE
Verkauf einer mittelständischen Kundengießerei.
Transaktionsvolumen: 14 Mio. EUR
Metallverarbeitung, Verkauf
Einwerbung von Wachstumskapital.
Transaktionsvolumen: 5 Mio. EUR
Technologie, Wachstumskapital
Datencenter, DE
Beratung und Strukturierung eines CO2-neutralen Datencenterprojektes.
Transaktionsvolumen: 45 Mio. EUR
Datencenter, Wachstumskapital
Family Office, DE
Beratung und Strukturierung bzgl. möglicher ESG-Akquisitionen.
Transaktionsvolumen: 5-15 Mio. EUR
Family-Office, Strategie & Kauf
ESG Real Estate, BEL
Kauf und Umwidmung eines ESG-/ Green Office Komplexes in Brüssel.
Transaktionsvolumen: 250 Mio. EUR
Real Estate, Kauf
M&A-Strategie, ASIEN
Entwicklung M&A-Strategie in der Automotive Finance Industrie.
Transaktionsvolumen: 450 Mio. EUR
Automotive Finance, Strategie
ESG Real Estate, FR
Verkauf eines Wohngebäudes in der Nähe von Paris.
Transaktionsvolumen: 40 Mio. EUR
Real Estate, Verkauf
Micro-Mobility, EU
Einwerbung von Wachstumskapital und Markteintritt EU.
Transaktionsvolumen: 5 Mio. EUR
Mobilität, Wachstumsfinanzierung
Bio-Molkerei, DE
Aufbau strategischer Partnerschaft in Produktion und Käselagerung.
Transaktionsvolumen: 7 Mio. EUR
Lebensmittelindustrie, Partnerschaft
Automobilbank, DE
Beratung und Aufbau eines internationalen Innovationshubs.
Transaktionsvolumen: 25 Mio. EUR
Automobilbank, Strategie & Kauf